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About Interlink Publishing

Established in 1987, Interlink Publishing is a Palestinian-owned, Massachusetts-based independent publishing house that offers a global perspective to readers. Interlink publishes works of literature-in-translation, history, activism, politics, art, cultural guides, award-winning cookbooks, and illustrated children’s books from around the world.

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News from Interlink

Publishers for Palestine: Statement of Solidarity

A statement from Publishers for Palestine calling for a ceasefire and denouncing repression of Palestinian solidarity. 3 November 2023 We invite publishers, editors, and writers around the world who stand for justice, freedom of expression, and the power of the written word, to sign this letter and join our global solidarity collective, Publishers for Palestine. We …

Interlink Books Donates 400 Copies of “Understanding the Palestine-Israel Conflict” to Foster Global Understanding During Dark Times

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Interlink Books Donates 400 Copies of “Understanding the Palestine-Israel Conflict” to Foster Global Understanding During Dark Times NORTHAMPTON, MA – In a bold move to provide much needed context for the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis during one of the most devastating moments in its history, Interlink Publishing has donated 400 copies of Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli …


  The world we see through the eyes of western mainstream media is only one world. There are others. That is why from day one, an important part of our mission is to introduce American readers to the unheard voices of leading women novelists from the Arab world. August is Women in Translation Month. So …

Read, Cook, Eat, Connect: Interlink’s Cookbooks

Since its origins, Interlink?s mission is to publish important books by important writers from countries often underrepresented in the American literary landscape, in the hopes that we can begin to balance the unequal power structures that prioritize some voices over others, but also with the belief that reading these books fosters an interaction that enriches …

Top 10 Summer Reading Recommendations

President Trump and his cronies would like us to believe that the spread of COVID-19 is totally under control, but all indications show that this pandemic is far from over and our #StayAtHome period is going to continue for a while. It is precisely during times like these?amid great social, political, and economic uncertainty?when we most …

Apartheid is Racism

During the past couple of weeks I have written about racial injustice, my outrage, our solidarity with Black Lives Matter, and our work on uplifting the voices of BIPOC. The importance of this moment in our history?a history rooted in systemic racism and violence against Black and Indigenous people?cannot be underestimated. The last two weeks …

Raising the Profiles of Black Writers

Looking to support Black authors and books in the midst of a national crisis and protest against systemic racism, our colleagues at Amistad Press have launched the hashtag campaign #BlackoutBestsellerList in an effort to draw attention to Black authors. In an e-mail appeal, the campaign encourages readers to purchase ?any two books by Black writers? …

Words Matter But Actions Matter More

In all honesty, getting back to the business of bookselling and telling you about our latest releases feels a bit strange to me?even insensitive. Over the past few weeks I?ve spent a lot of time thinking, reflecting, and looking inwardly at how complicit I am in the racist structures of a culture and society I …

The Wisdom Of Nelson Mandela

It was very heartening to receive and read your e-mails in response to our statement of solidarity with the Black community. I am grateful that so many of you?publishing colleagues, authors, translators, editors, designers, booksellers, librarians, business partners, readers, and supporters?commit, with us, to acknowledging, listening, learning, and contributing to the vital work we must do …

In Solidarity with the American Intifada

This is not the post I was planning on writing this week. I would much rather be writing to you about an exciting new author I?ve discovered or a new book that we?ve just published. But the past few days demand, yet again, that we speak up against racism, police brutality, and an unfit president …

Let’s Turn This Crisis Into Change

With your support, we’re working hard to turn this crisis into meaningful change?one book at a time. For nearly 33 years, Interlink Publishing has brought you the power of reading, literature, and great books as well as information vital for participating in our democracy through knowledge and informed debate. This pandemic has only strengthened my …

Celebrating Eid in the Time of Corona

The Muslim holy month of Ramadan is coming to an end this Saturday marking the end of the sunset-to-sunrise fast. Under normal circumstances, Muslims around the world would celebrate Eid al-Fitr with large family feasts, music, sung poetry, and sumptuous foods and desserts. Sadly, not so this time around. Eid will feel different this year …

Recipe: Joudie Kalla’s Qatayef

Qatayef Soft pancakes filled with cream in an orange blossom sugar syrup Qatayef are soft, pillowy pancakes that are simply gorgeous. They are freshly made and stuffed with all sorts of fillings?cream, pistachios, walnuts, cheeses. . . They are sometimes eaten soft and sometimes fried, the choice is yours?the method of preparing them and putting …

We Are All In The Same Storm, But We Are Not In The Same Boat

So many folks have said about the pandemic that ?We?re all in this together,? and I even started saying it myself. But this is untrue in every way you look at it. The truth of the matter is that we are so not all in this together?at least not in equal measure. The world we live …

The Dual Scourge of Nakba and Corona

While being quarantined is the shocking new reality to most people around the globe, it has become a fact of life to Palestinians facing unprecedented hardship and daily nightmares. The conditions in Gaza alone should make any decent human being fume with anger: over two million people in an open air prison facing massive shortages …

A Free Gift and Free Delivery Until May 30th

As the publisher of Interlink Publishing, I have the honor of writing to you and speaking on behalf of my entire family and staff in expressing our collective gratitude to each of you for your continued support as we face the most difficult challenges we?ve ever experienced as an indie press. Arundhati Roy wrote in …

Mother Love in the Time of Corona

It?s not easy being a mom. Add a global pandemic and an economic shutdown to the mix and, all of a sudden, mom?s job becomes so much harder. Moms are often care givers, providers, educators, chefs, and housekeepers as well as employees or small business owners, all at once. Isolating with my daughter?s family?with two boys …

A Shared Commitment To A Better World

As we continue to battle the impact of COVID-19, I hope that you?re looking after yourselves and your families and taking all the necessary precautions to stay safe. It is precisely during times like these when we most need literature to soothe our souls, lift our spirits, cheer us up, and remind us of our humanity. …

Stay Safe. Keep Interlink Alive: Order Books Online with Free Delivery

Our hearts and minds are preoccupied and heavy with uncertainty. We see places of worship without worshipers, airports without passengers, grocery stores without groceries, and, yes, bookstores without book lovers. The economic fallout from this pandemic and its impact on indie publishers and booksellers is incalculable. But life must go on despite the virus. And …

Consume Books Not Bleach: Launching Interlink eGift Cards!

While our ?very stable genius? in the White House keeps getting more outrageous with his daily pandemic-solving ideas, more and more people are dying every day and a staggering number of small family businesses like ours may perish as a result. This makes me very angry. I hope that you share my view that books and …

Our Heartfelt Thanks and a Call for Help

Heartfelt thanks to all of you who came through for us and ordered books online. We are grateful to have such an incredibly caring and responsive community. And I very much appreciated your e-mail messages of support telling me how much you value the work that we do at Interlink. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected us …