1) Become familiar with the kinds of books we publish. Browse our website or request a catalog; order them; buy them from local booksellers or directly from us; read them at your local library.
2) If, after doing this research, you believe your manuscript might fit our list, please send a query letter via email with the appropriate subject heading (see below).
The query letter should include: a writing sample (preferably the opening of the book) of no more than 10 pages, a brief synopsis, and biographical information about the author and, when appropriate, translator, or illustrator. The query letter should be the body of the email, and the writing sample should be attached as a PDF, RTF, or DOC file (PDFs are always preferred).
Please send your email to submissions [at] interlinkbooks.com with the subject heading “QUERY” followed by the genre and title of the manuscript. E.g., your cookbook manuscript titled The Middle Eastern Kitchen would be sent with the subject “QUERY: Cookbook: The Middle Eastern Kitchen.” Please note that we now prefer all queries be sent electronically.
3) The only fiction we publish falls into our “Interlink World Fiction” series. Most of these books, as you can see in our catalog, are translated fiction from around the world. The series aims to bring fiction from other countries to a North American audience. In short, unless you were born outside the United States, your novel will not fit into the series.
Please, do not:
• send hard copies of submissions via mail, FedEx, etc.
• send submissions via fax
• send a full manuscript unless we request it
• send poetry or plays (we only publish solicited poetry or plays)
• submit a translation for which you have not obtained the necessary permissions
• call about the status of a query. If we requested your full manuscript and you have not heard from us in over three months, please do send a follow-up email to the appropriate address.
We cannot be responsible for responding to or returning unsolicited manuscripts that do not follow these guidelines.
Thank you for your interest.