The Portuguese

A Modern History


$ 15

Book Size: 5.25" x 8"

Pages: 256 Format: Paperback

ISBN: 9781566568449

Imprint: Interlink Books

Edition: 3

Illustrations: b&w illustrations, maps

Release date: 01/04/11


About this book

An intimate portrait of a fascinating country and its people

Portugal is an established member of the European Union, one of the founders of the euro currency and a founding member of NATO. Yet it is an inconspicuous and largely overlooked country on the continent’s southwest rim.

Barry Hatton shines a light on this enigmatic corner of Europe by blending historical analysis with entertaining personal anecdotes. He describes the idiosyncrasies that make the Portuguese unique and surveys the eventful path that brought them to where they are today.

In the fifteenth—and sixteenth—century Age of Discovery the Portuguese led Europe out of the Mediterranean into the Atlantic and they brought Asia and Europe together. Evidence of their one-time four-continent empire can still be felt, not least in the Portuguese language which is spoken by more than 220 million people from Brazil, across parts of Africa to Asia.
