Book Size: 5.5" x 8.25"

Pages: 120

Format: Paperback

ISBN: 9783950421897

Imprint: Urban Explorer

Edition: 2

Illustrations: full-color photography and maps

Release date: Spring 2023


Only in Seville

A Guide to Unique Locations, Hidden Corners and Unusual Objects


$ 16

“In a world where places become ever more similar, it is an absolute joy to stumble on the Only In Guides. The author brings to the series the gaze of the enquiring outsider. A refreshing alternative to the prevailing tide of uniformity favored by too many travel guides.” — Hidden Europe magazine

About this book

Discover Seville’s colorful history, astonishing architecture and dynamic street life with this explorer’s guide to Spain’s most alluring city.

It features more than 55 fascinating and unusual historical sites, including grand palaces and closed convents, artistic havens and secluded patios, fervent traditions and epicurean delights. From Moorish minarets and medieval shipyards to Andalusia’s tallest tower and the most modern suspension bridge, this guide is a must-have for visitors. The author visits the world’s largest wooden structure, Spain’s oldest tapas bar, a museum of tile making, and a former royal cigar factory. Escape the crowds and set off on your own urban expedition with the Only In Guides!


About the author

Duncan J. D. Smith is a travel writer, historian and photographer. In his groundbreaking Only In Guides he reveals cities from unique and hidden perspectives. He has traveled across four continents and described his experiences in books, magazines, and online.

Born in Sheffield, England in 1960, he studied history and archaeology at university, and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.


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