Tina Arnuš Pupis embarked on her writing career in 2016 by participating in the Spirala Writing Contest. Her debut work titled In a Faraway Forest was published shortly after and was included in the White Ravens Collection by the International Youth Library in Munich. She has since written several books for children. She loves nature, animals, rhymes, word games and inspirational words of wisdoms spiced up with a touch of humour. And what she loves most is to combine all this in her literary works.
Marta Bartolj is an award-winning Slovenian illustrator. Her first book was published as ‘Kje si?’ (‘Where Are You?’ / ‘Every Little Kindness’) in 2018, and received a special prize as an outstanding wordless picture book at the 2018 Kristina Brenkova Awards. The style of her illustrations is distinctively diverse, from playful and childlike to gentle lyricism.
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