Original Sins

Reflections on the History of Zionism and Israel


$ 29.95

Book Size: 6" x 9"

Pages: 240 Format: Hardback

ISBN: 9781566561303

Imprint: Olive Branch Press

Edition: 1


About this book

Starting from a non-idealizing, non-demonological review of Judaism, Jewish history and anti-Semitism, this book presents a sympathetic analysis of the development of political Zionism – and goes on to show how a dream can become both a living reality and a nightmare.

While Beit-Hallahmi does not fault the idea of a Jewish state in the abstract, he shows how Zionism in practice and power becomes a kind of settler colonialism trying to ignore its victims – the Palestinians. The purpose of Original Sins is to counter the mystification on both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict, to examine causes and principles, and to reach an analysis of the current political and moral crisis, in search for a solution to end the suffering on both sides.
